Dispatches from REFEDS and VAMP2012

Good morning from Utrecht, NL where I am attending as CANARIE’s CAF representative for REFEDS & VAMP2012

I’ve found that this September is an inflection point for change; back to school kicks in, summer holidays recharge the batteries and give a chance to step back and take stock. To this end, I’m going to experiment with a  more brief communication model with this blog.  There may be the occasional essay like post because complicated topics need their due depth, but I would rather have more frequent postings to avoid the TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t read) and see which ones to go deep on as people express an interest in them.


Research and Education FEDerations is one of the few locations dedicated to the interests of  CAF and our peers.  It is also a forum for advancing Federated Identity topics and collaborating on workplans to the benefit of multiple federations.  One topic that has been incubating in the REFEDS environment are recommendations for Service Providers for Federated ID sign on and discovery which are based in part on a NISO Espresso Report.  An interested and comprehensive document at 35 pages. More to come on this front soon.

As the REFEDS meeting progresses more will be posted to this blog entry.

In the mean time, I would like to point you to the 2 day VAMP2012 agenda and encourage you to post comments or questions that you would like to hear me bring forward.